Williams College 威廉姆斯学院Williamstown, MA | 93% |
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering富兰克林工程学院Needham, MA | 91% |
Yale University耶鲁大学New Haven, CT | 90% |
University of Notre Dame圣母大学Notre Dame, IN | 90% |
Princeton University普林斯顿大学Princeton, NJ | 90% |
Carleton College卡尔顿学院Northfield, MN | 89% |
Davidson College戴维逊学院Davidson, NC | 89% |
Pomona College波莫纳学院Claremont, CA | 89% |
Bowdoin College鲍登学院Brunswick, ME | 89% |
United States Naval Academy美国海军学院Annapolis, MD | 89% |
Duke University杜克大学Durham, NC | 89% |
Wesleyan University卫斯理大学Middletown, CT | 88% |
Harvard University哈佛大学Cambridge, MA | 88% |
Haverford College哈维福德学院Haverford, PA | 88% |
Boston College波士顿学院Chestnut Hill, MA | 88% |
Vassar College瓦瑟学院Poughkeepsie, NY | 88% |
Washington and Lee University华盛顿与李大学Lexington, VA | 88% |
Bucknell University巴克内尔大学Lewisburg, PA | 88% |
University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学Philadelphia, PA | 88% |
Northwestern University西北大学Evanston, IL | 87% |
Babson College巴布森学院Babson Park, MA | 87% |
Columbia University哥伦比亚大学New York, NY | 87% |
College of the Holy Cross圣十字学院Worcester, MA | 87% |
Claremont McKenna College克莱蒙研究大学Claremont, CA | 87% |
Bates College贝茨学院Lewiston, ME | 86% |
Lafayette College拉斐特学院Easton, PA | 86% |
Swarthmore College斯沃斯莫尔学院Swarthmore, PA | 86% |
Brown University布朗大学Providence, RI | 86% |
The University of Chicago芝加哥大学Chicago, IL | 86% |
Georgetown University乔治城大学Washington, DC | 85% |
Cornell University康乃尔大学Ithaca, NY | 85% |
Kenyon College肯尼恩学院Gambier, OH | 85% |
Amherst College安默斯特学院Amherst, MA | 85% |
Tufts University塔夫斯大学Medford, MA | 85% |
Colgate University科尔盖特大学Hamilton, NY | 85% |
Scripps College斯克利普斯学院Claremont, CA | 85% |
Wake Forest University维克森林大学Winston-Salem, NC | 85% |
Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院Hanover, NH | 85% |
Providence College普罗维登斯学院Providence, RI | 84% |
University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学Charlottesville, VA | 84% |